The Five Horizons Foundation Thanks You!

 The Five Horizons Foundation
Thank you from The Five Horizons Foundation to all of the awesome Pearl Jam fans for helping to raise over $5,000 on this tour at 5H pre parties. As a community, we done some great things already and can't wait to do it again on the next tour.



Eddie Vedder publicly thanks public radio

98 artists signed a letter addressed to Public Radio in celebration of Public Radio Month.  Among those artists is our favorite singer, Eddie Vedder.  With the proliferation of internet, satellite, HD radio, iPod's, etc. it's easy to forget the simple joy of getting your car and turning on good old fashioned public radio.

"Dear public radio,
Thank you for taking chances. Thank you for playing our music even when - especially when - it doesn't sound like everything else on the radio dial. Thank you for inviting us into your studios and asking us intelligent questions. Thank you for introducing us to some of the most important music in our lives, music that made us who we are.

Thanks, public radio, for being who you are. Happy Public Radio Music Month."

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